Finding Colour in the Shadows

Winters in New York can be bitterly cold. And yet they are nothing compared to the bone-chilling temperatures of my Minnesotan home. Nevertheless, while my thick Nordic skin can handle shooting in the wintery outdoors (mostly because I don't notice my fingers have morphed into miniature popsicles until after I've been jilted from my creative wanderings), I have yet to meet a model who can tolerate sub-freezing temperatures - and who can blame them. They aren't exactly equipped with natural insulation like the rest of us.

All this to say, the winter months more often than not drive me indoors for shooting, pushing me to be much more creative in the way I shoot as opposed to where I shoot. Fortunately we have beautiful stark light streaming into my studio - as short-lived as the daylight hours in January might be. There are beautiful glass bricks filling one very small window and for 4 hours of each day a rainbow of colour dances throughout the room. 

After a month and a half of talking about shooting this prismatic wonder (and getting through the holiday mayhem), I had the opportunity to do just that... and neither the light nor the model proved to disappoint.

More photos will be up for viewing within the next day or so, so pay my website a visit to see everything else we captured that day.
