Just received my photo books yesterday! I've been slowly compiling these two collections of my images over the course of the past year. Much like my website, these books are representative of the two types of photography I currently focus on: family and children portraits and fashion editorial work. These books have continuously evolved over the past year, and it has been so much fun editing down the collection and designing every detail of the page layouts. Just one day after the books arrived, and I'm already planning how and when I'll be printing another book!
As a side note: Each of my books were delivered separately, one via FedEx and one via UPS. Additionally, I happened to have received a package of books, via USPS, from a friend as well (I know! A very special day for me!) And to confirm my previous suspicions, UPS is indeed the slowest of all delivery services: with Fed Ex delivering at 10am, USPS at noon, and UPS at 5pm. Oh UPS, how you torment me with your tantalizingly slow deliveries!