Brooklyn Newborn Photographer | Baby Camila

Cuteness alert! While I recognize that I'm a starry eyed new auntie and not at all unbiased, I'm pretty sure my cousin's Baby Camila is far more adorable than a single blogpost can even handle. I'm continually in awe of new life - from the seemingly endless variety of expressions through to the itty bitty eyelashes, ears, and freshly revealed belly button. Plus my personal favourite: those impossibly tiny fingernails. I just can't! All the details of the first few days are so fleeting... and yet some things will never change. Looking back in 10, 20, even 30 years on photos of those first few days in the world, it will be incredible to reflect on how so many parts of who she is were there in the very beginning; from the cowlick swirl in her hair to the microscopic upward dimples of a mischievous grin. It's amazing.

And capturing the details of Camila herself is just part of it. Amidst sleepless nights and the adjustment to parenthood/life with a newborn, the joy in her mom's smile, the gentleness in her daddy's kisses, and the giggle response to her grandma's tickle are some of the purest moments of love. Capturing the joy surrounding Camila's arrival is what will be most cherished in years to come: cozying her up in a hand-knit cocoon from grammy, the long inhale soaking up that elusive baby smell, and the priceless moment of 3 generations together (photos of me with my mom & grandma remain some of my favourites to this day!). 

A very big welcome to Baby Camila - a bundle of infinite expressions and the tinniest everything. You are so loved.

And a stand-alone-worthy moment: the 6 day old sneeze wind-up & release. Ahhhhhhhhhhh-CHOO. Melt. My. Heart...